Saturday, June 19, 2010

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE?

what haircut is this I really like it I really want short hair, people have always told me I have elfish features I have big pointy ears, big hazel eyes and high cheekbones and a round face(which I've always been self concience of) and dimples, and I'm going to be a freshman next year I'M REALLY EXCITED. I wanted to do something diffrent next year I dont want a emo look, AND DEFINATLEY NOT A SHORT LESBIAN LOOK, I want short hair with a more mature look and I love this cut it's not emo lookin and hopefully NOT lesbian lookin either, SO WHAT IS THIS LOOK CALLED? DO YOU GUYS THINK IT'S CUTE FOR THE BEGENNING OF 9TH GRADE?

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE?

if u like the hair cut- go for it! 4 get about what every body else has to say about it.

take some of these pictures to ur hair stylist and be very specific how u want u cut to be and how short u're willing to go and don't go completely short at first- give ur self time to get used to it first.

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE?

I think it totally looks like a lesbian look...dont do it!!!

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE?

short and choppy bob cut

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE?

to be honest short cuts are really sophisticated and i was a freshman last year and i know if i saw someone with a cut like that i would think they were weird. long hair is in. if you want you can ask your hair dresser what she thinks would look best, or even post your picture on here and ask people what they think will look best. side sweep bangs are in style as well.

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE?

it is so cute!

i'm not sure what it's called; you should just print out the first picture %26amp; give it to your hairstylist.

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE?

Love it! After several years of trying to let my hair grow long, I gave up and got a short cut similar to this about a month ago. Everyone says it's cute, and that I look better with short hair. I'm def keeping it short. It's not lesbian looking at all, by the way. Long hair is so boring - everyone looks the same. Go for it!閳?br>What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE?

yea i DONT think that u should do this it looks weird and short hair is NOT the fashion ..long hair is in u should get long layers with sidebangs that will look cute and it will hide your elf ears so u wont be tht self concience of.......

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE?

way to lesbo. im going to be a senior and seeing ppl throughtout with those cuts, me and my friends thought were gay

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Well, yes i do wear black eyeliner and have bangs that cover half of my face. i am really emotional and sensitive. i play guitar. i like punk/hardcore rock music but i also like country music. i write my own songs sometimes but i DONT wear skintight clothing. my hair isnt black. but my friend is always saying im emo. she makes me take emo quizzes and i usually get 70-80% emo on it but wut do those things know. am i emo? is that such a bad thing? cuz idk and im kinda scared.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Tell your friends to get a hobby and leave you alone. You are what you are, why bother trying to put a name to it. You sound like a kid who likes rock music and eyeliner to me. Emo is such a dumb term anyway. I know LOTS of emotional people who would never pass as "emo". The quizzes don't mean anything either. There's no reason to be scared about it!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

DONT label yourself or let others label you. Be YOU and dont let some stupid steriotypical label try to limit you. Just be who you are and if people want to label you then that is THEIR problem.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

no, you're not emo! you're your own person who just happens to enjoy some things that shall we say emo kids enjoy. emo is more suicidal and since you didn't mention that you're suicidal then emo is out. don't you hate labels, i sure do!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

You sound pretty much emo, if not on the way there. In my opinion, emo is a bad thing. I don't like girls that are like that. It somehow decreases their attractiveness in my eyes.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

i really hope not. emos are just kids that want attention and feel like they are cool. most of the emos i met think they are better than most people around them. they act like noone and nothing else matters in the world and that they are the only ones that feel sad. in my opinion emos should get counseling. dont people feel stupid walking around knowing that everyone around them thinks they are just being jerks and stupid?

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

what matter is what u think of urself not what others think. That is what makes us different from them. Besides what does black hair have to do with being emo? I was born with black hair.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Your not Emo.. your Elmo! La la la la!!!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Really, emo or not, you are who you are. You seem to be what people call "emo"(even though it is a genre, not a type of person). But who cares what others think, right? Just be who you are, it's not like if life is better for some people than it is for others. Just be who you are, and as long as you feel good being like that, then that's all that matters.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

So what if youre emo? Its only bad when you turn goth and start worshiping the devil and cutting yourself. Or either one by itself. Maybe wishing u'd go down? Having a death wish? Thats bad. But what does it matter if youre emo? I know emo people who are perfectly sweet! And if this person were really your friend, she/ he wouldnt care about whether or not u were emo. Suga, theres no reason to be scared.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

yup you sound emo. just ask yourself if youre emo. if you dont think you are then dont worry about it. you are what you make yourself :)

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

no its not a bad thing, as long as u dont cut urself! seriously....

i hav bangs like that, so it's ok, and liking country music DEFINITELY makes u not totally emo. also, just cuz sensitive doesn't mean anything bad either!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Don't be scared, your not emo. You are punk/goth. Trust me i know how you feel, my friends call me emo too. They always want to check my wrists. And you shoudnt be scared a lot of emo/punk guys are hot! I took an emo quiz once and got 76%, lol. Then i took a punk quiz and got 87%. So dont worry, thats awesome that you write your own songs. Lots of girls also like sensitive guys, its better than guys who never show their feelings. I bet your really deep. Its not a bad thing. Dont worry your not emo. I hate that people label other people as "emo" Some people think im "punk" and "emo". I just hate that, it gets so annoying. And theres nothing wrong with it, like theres nothing wrong with being popular or in a clique. So dont worry and tell you friend to back off, cuz your not emo. Just punk and with a guy thats usually hot!!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

You're not emo unless you want to be emo. Don't let people label you. Quit following the crowd and figure out what you want to be. Wash off your eyeliner, uncover your eyes, and quit letting your friend tell you what to do. Start thinking for yourself.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

first labels belong on soup cans, so unless you're a can of soup, you shouldn't care to much. Second be whatever you want! Dress like a cow girl/boy while singing punk music. I listen to alternative/punk/rock music all the time, but I'm not "emo". Playing guitar, writing music, wearing black clothes, and being sensitive does not define you being emo. be what you want, do what you want and don't give a crap!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

just tell them to stfu you are what you are

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE.?

what haircut is this I really like it I really want short hair, people have always told me I have elfish features I have big pointy ears, big hazel eyes and high cheekbones and a round face(which I've always been self concience of) and dimples, and I'm going to be a freshman next year I'M REALLY EXCITED. I wanted to do something diffrent next year I dont want a emo look, AND DEFINATLEY NOT A SHORT LESBIAN LOOK, I want short hair with a more mature look and I love this cut it's not emo lookin and hopefully NOT lesbian lookin either, SO WHAT IS THIS LOOK CALLED? DO YOU GUYS THINK IT'S CUTE FOR THE BEGENNING OF 9TH GRADE?

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE.?

That is an awesome hair cut.Very classy! That cut is called a "Bob". The back should be slightly shorter than the front, giving it a very chic look.

A tip: Brush and stretch your hair while drying which will make your hair shine.

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE.?

a bob

What hair cut is this WITH PICTURE.?

I think it's adoreable, but I don't know if you could call it a bob. Take the picture to a good hairdresser and see what she says.

Where can i find emo haircuts?

like pics of them so when i get my hair cut ican show the person cuttin my hair the pic and they cut it like tht...yes i am emo....i luv the style.....i luv bein u don't like th w/ it....ur not my mom....i just need a site and it has 2 have pics....and they have 2 good!! plez and thank u!! btw...if this face is oval shaped....thank u

Where can i find emo haircuts?

check this out, there`s lots on here!!!:

Where can i find emo haircuts?

Go to

Then type in the search bar... Emo Hair, or Emo Hair Cuts in the images place. This will show you some kool emo cuts. I LOVE THE STYLE TOO!!!! I dont like cut my self or anything like that though!LOL

Where can i find emo haircuts?

not trying to be mean or nething but theres other hairstyles that r way better and prettier then emo its juss gross...for the web-site have no idea.

Where can i find emo haircuts?

Emo vs gay?

any ways emo people says its short for emotional. Personal ive found gay people to be more intact with their emotions, so wouldnt that tenically count as emo as their saying it. But since thats not really the case(some times it is) how come they act so upset, when their are people even more emotional than them and act more mature about it. Then it brings me to women being emo. How can a girl be emo when girls are already more emotional and dont need an excuse to be. They can have a bad hair day and not go school. Finally do u think it is a fad that will disappear, like hippies, greasers. Im just tired of kids making stupid names for stuff their not.

Emo vs gay?

Well I wouldn't know how differentiate the two since there are stereotypes saying that if you're "emo" you're gay. I don't like labels period. However, as for the fad part of it, there was always a small percentage of people who felt like this and never showed it. Never went to counseling, never talked to their parents, etc. HOWEVER, as with all popular trends, someone went and made being "emo" mainstream and now everyone and their grandma has a therapist! So to answer the question: yeah, it will stop being popular, but there are still gonna be people who REALLY are emotionally unstable.

I'm looking for a hair cut that has choppy layers.?

I don't want an "Emo" cut though. preferably a shoulder length one. I have hair that is brown and really thick. It is naturally wavy but I like too straighten it. I want the "piecey" or "choppy" look. pictures would help


I'm looking for a hair cut that has choppy layers.?

this one isn't "emo"

Best hair style for me?

please include photos.

my husband is in emo style and i'm envy, i also want a new hair style/new look.

i want a hair style w/ bangs.

this is me:

please don't laugh at me. serious answers please.


Best hair style for me?

Can't see your pic, there's an error message.

But if you want emoish hairstyle ideas this site always inspires me.

Best hair style for me?

Error 404

The page you have requested is not found or available:

Best hair style for me?

Best hair style for me?

Put some side bangs or straight bangs above your eyes.


long hair on the front and short layered hair at the back


layered hair

or emo hair/scene hair

Best hair style for me?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle/cut ideas %26amp; suggestions, based on face shapes


How am i emo?!?

emo...what the hell is it?

it's stereotyping the shy kids.

the sensitive kids who would rather write poetry and listen to the primitives and the creatures than go out and throw up my adolecent life.

i guess im one of the emo kids at school.

im new at school.

i have one friend

my best friend.

i wear black tights

and vintage dresses and cadigans

basically i dress like a 1940's lady with 60's sandie shaw hair, and occasionely wears her smiths and depeche mode shirts.


or am i just oblivious?

How am i emo?!?

Enjoy this bullsh*t kid, because when you grow up, your only real concern will be money. You'll either be making money cause you're rich, or spending money cause you poor.

How am i emo?!?

You know the emo questions are getting really old. The Emo trend is really old.

How am i emo?!?

Your not ,but don't pay attention to negative things people say about you. If you don't think your Emo then it doesn't really matter what others think.

How am i emo?!?

hey, whats so bad about being emo?

i understand what u mean about stereotyping

i have met a lot of emo kids when i was in high school, and they were really cool. i mean whats so wrong with keeping ur style? keep ur head up!

How am i emo?!?

Yeah, you're an emo.

How am i emo?!?

dont worry i tink emo is pretty cool

so dont worry what other ppl think


How am i emo?!?

Well you fit all the perceptions. You dress in goth-style clothing but rather than live a goth lifestyle you write poetry and listen to music about breaking up which, for crying out loud, does not need ten albums of crying to express.

I think you are oblivious. Sorry. But we critique the emo style because it rejects modern styles and practices without any good reason. Emo really rips off of goth style clothing and then tries and makes it deep by writing poetry that itself really just rips the style of romaticism era poets.

The disdainful part is that your style and activities portray a disdain for a society and culture that has yet to do you wrong, and if you actually were experiencing pain would be expressed in other ways that are, well, the way people express emotional pain.

All the black and vintage clothing would be worn by goths as a protest to modern commercialist style, however emo kids soak up Hawthorne Heights and stuff at "Vintage Stock" on their parents credit cards the same way preppy kids buy the latest albums from the latest boy-toy on MTV. Especially the Vintage Designer Clothing. Thats just bad taste: even those designers stopped designing that a decade ago. Modern emo designers are themselves ripping off of older-designs from what are established names.

Its this constant cycle of ripping from other trends and then selling it as "deep" that makes you sound like an evolution of the spoiled brat.

In other words, you are seen as a phony. A sad product of Alternative Music coming mainstream with Lollapalooza in 1991.

Hair Help Needed :-/?

Ok..... so I have straight long blonde hair right now. However, I've grown for a taste of the emo/scene style. I wear the kind of clothing and all, but the hair just kills it :-/. So here's where you come in my friend :D. What should I go with... style wise. I've kinda narrowed it down to either....

1)keep my hair and highlight it pink

2)keep my hair but put bangs

3) side swept bangs

Either 2 or 3 could include layers or the black hair coloring under.

Help me, what would look good on me (open to your opinions)???

Much %26lt;3

Here is a pic of me on my myspace

Hair Help Needed :-/?


Hair Help Needed :-/?

BANGS%26amp;LAYERS. You'll look SO cute. =)

Hair Help Needed :-/?

i think side swept bangs with layers would look great

Hair Help Needed :-/?

i would not go pink....blah

i would go with the swept bangs cause thats i guess what i picture most emo kids with

Hair Help Needed :-/?

i think that you should cut your hair really choppy (tell your stylist to cut layers then use the razor) and about shoulder length. then do side swept bangs with black underneath! of course you would have to straighten it daily.

hope i helped :]

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Well, yes i do wear black eyeliner and have bangs that cover half of my face. i am really emotional and sensitive. i play guitar. i like punk/hardcore rock music but i also like country music. i write my own songs sometimes but i DONT wear skintight clothing. my hair isnt black. but my friend is always saying im emo. she makes me take emo quizzes and i usually get 70-80% emo on it but wut do those things know. am i emo? is that such a bad thing? cuz idk and im kinda scared.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Tell your friends to get a hobby and leave you alone. You are what you are, why bother trying to put a name to it. You sound like a kid who likes rock music and eyeliner to me. Emo is such a dumb term anyway. I know LOTS of emotional people who would never pass as "emo". The quizzes don't mean anything either. There's no reason to be scared about it!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

DONT label yourself or let others label you. Be YOU and dont let some stupid steriotypical label try to limit you. Just be who you are and if people want to label you then that is THEIR problem.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

no, you're not emo! you're your own person who just happens to enjoy some things that shall we say emo kids enjoy. emo is more suicidal and since you didn't mention that you're suicidal then emo is out. don't you hate labels, i sure do!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

You sound pretty much emo, if not on the way there. In my opinion, emo is a bad thing. I don't like girls that are like that. It somehow decreases their attractiveness in my eyes.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

i really hope not. emos are just kids that want attention and feel like they are cool. most of the emos i met think they are better than most people around them. they act like noone and nothing else matters in the world and that they are the only ones that feel sad. in my opinion emos should get counseling. dont people feel stupid walking around knowing that everyone around them thinks they are just being jerks and stupid?

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

what matter is what u think of urself not what others think. That is what makes us different from them. Besides what does black hair have to do with being emo? I was born with black hair.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Your not Emo.. your Elmo! La la la la!!!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Really, emo or not, you are who you are. You seem to be what people call "emo"(even though it is a genre, not a type of person). But who cares what others think, right? Just be who you are, it's not like if life is better for some people than it is for others. Just be who you are, and as long as you feel good being like that, then that's all that matters.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

So what if youre emo? Its only bad when you turn goth and start worshiping the devil and cutting yourself. Or either one by itself. Maybe wishing u'd go down? Having a death wish? Thats bad. But what does it matter if youre emo? I know emo people who are perfectly sweet! And if this person were really your friend, she/ he wouldnt care about whether or not u were emo. Suga, theres no reason to be scared.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

yup you sound emo. just ask yourself if youre emo. if you dont think you are then dont worry about it. you are what you make yourself :)

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

no its not a bad thing, as long as u dont cut urself! seriously....

i hav bangs like that, so it's ok, and liking country music DEFINITELY makes u not totally emo. also, just cuz sensitive doesn't mean anything bad either!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Don't be scared, your not emo. You are punk/goth. Trust me i know how you feel, my friends call me emo too. They always want to check my wrists. And you shoudnt be scared a lot of emo/punk guys are hot! I took an emo quiz once and got 76%, lol. Then i took a punk quiz and got 87%. So dont worry, thats awesome that you write your own songs. Lots of girls also like sensitive guys, its better than guys who never show their feelings. I bet your really deep. Its not a bad thing. Dont worry your not emo. I hate that people label other people as "emo" Some people think im "punk" and "emo". I just hate that, it gets so annoying. And theres nothing wrong with it, like theres nothing wrong with being popular or in a clique. So dont worry and tell you friend to back off, cuz your not emo. Just punk and with a guy thats usually hot!!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

You're not emo unless you want to be emo. Don't let people label you. Quit following the crowd and figure out what you want to be. Wash off your eyeliner, uncover your eyes, and quit letting your friend tell you what to do. Start thinking for yourself.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

first labels belong on soup cans, so unless you're a can of soup, you shouldn't care to much. Second be whatever you want! Dress like a cow girl/boy while singing punk music. I listen to alternative/punk/rock music all the time, but I'm not "emo". Playing guitar, writing music, wearing black clothes, and being sensitive does not define you being emo. be what you want, do what you want and don't give a crap!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

just tell them to stfu you are what you are

The Guy I Like Is Looking For A Emo Girlfriend...?

So, I like this guy, ive posted a few questions on him, and so far, everyone thinks he likes me too. But the thing is, he's sort of emo, and put a 'saying' on bebo that read 'looking for 14-15 year old emo girlfriend....' I'm not emo, i'd like to be, but my mum doesn't approve of getting my hair dyed ect. What should I do to turn emo ?

The Guy I Like Is Looking For A Emo Girlfriend...?

WTF is an emo?

The Guy I Like Is Looking For A Emo Girlfriend...?

dont change your appearance for a guy, dont you want a bf whos gonna like you for who you are, if everyine thinks he likes you then why shoud you have to change for him, i say stay true to who you are...whoever that is, but just dont change yourself to the aproval of some guy

The Guy I Like Is Looking For A Emo Girlfriend...?

wear skinny jeans and black band tops

start listenin to stuff like fall out boy and bring me the horizon

(if yu dnt already)

yu dont have to dye yu hair emos dont have to have balck hair!

ask yur mum to get yur hair cut and get a fringe tht goes over one eye or get one of the big puffy hairdos

good luck and enjoy being emo!! :D

The Guy I Like Is Looking For A Emo Girlfriend...?

I would say don't be emo if he likes you he should like you for who you are... not for who he wants you to be.. I hope this helps a little


The Guy I Like Is Looking For A Emo Girlfriend...?

Please, I beg of you--don't change for a guy. Just be yourself. If he likes you, then you will like you emo or not. Don't base it on just what you read on his profile online. Some people don't really think that way in reality. Be happy with the person that you are. Don't be emo just to get this guy because in a way, you would be lying (not be honestly who you really are). Just be you. No guy is worth changing who you are.

The Guy I Like Is Looking For A Emo Girlfriend...?

you would like to be emo but you cant? emo. isnt nessesarily punk hun, and you usually dont just turn that way. that makes most people posers. i mean you are what you are. and dont change yourself just because of a guy. besides if he liked you he would like you weither your emo or not.

The Guy I Like Is Looking For A Emo Girlfriend...?

dont change yourself for anyone else. i know you like him and even though you would like to be emo you shouldn't change for him. he has to like you for who you are and how you are.

it sounds like he likes you anyways and an emo guy and a normal girl can be together. if it's really meant to be im possitive that everythings going to turn out ok.

take it from me, and i promise

talk to him and tell him you like him. it's hard but this is what you have to do for him to understand that he is what you want.

The Guy I Like Is Looking For A Emo Girlfriend...?

i wouldnt change for another guy if i were uuu..

The Guy I Like Is Looking For A Emo Girlfriend...?

hun, if he knows you well enough it shouldnt matter what you dress like.

especially if your chill and you have the same intrests

like the same intrests in music.


moms are harsh on the whole emo thing i know from experiance

just slowly talk your mom into if you really want to do it.

but being emo isnt something you do to get a just kinda happens and people stick labels on it and tada there you go theres a emo kid.

its about being yourself.

see if she will let you dye your hair a darker color than your natural.

i really hope this helps


Hair Help?!? here is my issue. I have thick, curly hair. I have been straightening it to acheive an 'emo punk' fringe on one side of my head. BUT I have started taking Mauy Thai, and I cant have hair that keeps falling in my face when i am trying to fight. the two dont mix :-p. i still want a punk/emo/hardcore hairstyle, but it either has to be super short, some curly type, or a type that is easy to straighten. another issue is that it takes forever to straighten in the morning cause its so thick...and i need someting thats easy and quick to mannage. any suggestions?

Hair Help?!?

I have curly hair too. And I'm also trying to look emo.

Hair Help?!?

It it long enough to tie up? You could do that, or if you want to keep it instead of cutting it you could use hair clips to stop it getting in your face while you beat the crap out of people :D

How do i cover up black hair?

This summer I dyed my naturally brown hair black, and now everyone is calling me emo/goth because of my light complexion, which I'm not. I dyed it two weeks ago, and I have grown to hate it. I really don't want to wait a month or basically the whole summer for it to grow back. If I dye my hair blonde, how will it come out? What about dying it brown?

How do i cover up black hair?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE..i beg of you ..let it fade...promise..let it fade.

How do i cover up black hair?

First of all, the black dye will fade away, there's this girl in my class who dyes her hair black and after a month, it faded away, because she's a natural blonde. Also, I dont know if it is a good idea, but lightens your hair is peroxide. tthat may lighten your hair, though it does weaken or kill hair. ithe dye will fade or you would have to peroxide it.

How do i cover up black hair?

the only way to get rid of black hair dye is to strip it first (which is the strongest bleach basically) your hair will be really dry after but it will take away the black. or you can grow it out. but no matter what dye you use ontop of the black, it will make no difference

How do i cover up black hair?

you should bleach your hair and then dye it brown will work for sure...i did that yesterday

How do i cover up black hair?

i need a pic of you to see that.I think you should leave it medium brown. That's my hair color. black or blonde is like too extreme.I don't really care about hair color debates,i just compare the colors on people. I don't think you should listen to people or what they say.It's best to stay yourself.

hope this helps


How do i cover up black hair?

i did the same thing last summer on accident. i'm also extremely fair, my friends actually call me the vampire. it's a two step process, whether it's done prefessionally or at home. i had mine done professionally but you can use a stripper or the lightest blonde they make. it's going to burn, once you do that you'll most likely look like a racoon, you then want to pick a color that is a least a brown or dark red, to even out the color.

How do i cover up black hair?

Get a professional to do it and you can dye it any color you want. If you attempt to dye it from a box you are most likely gonna get ORANGE!

How do i cover up black hair?

You should consider what's your skin look likes. Yellow and Red also look nice.

How do i cover up black hair?

Firts go to a salon and at my salon we have a "Modulate" it takes out the last color you did to your hair. Then you have to tone it to your natural, it comes out like a orange red color most of the time no matter what your normal hair is. You may only need to color it again your natural color after 4-6 weeks cause sometimes it fades after the first color.Then leave it alone, or go to a salon to get it done

How do i cover up black hair?

they have a new thing called do over or something like that it takes the color out if you do not like it

How do i cover up black hair?

Go to a professional hairstylist and let him/her strip the color out of your hair. Don't try to do it yourself; you may end really ruining your hair color and texture. A professional will know what can and can't be done to fix your problem.

How do i cover up black hair?

bleach it then dye it to the color you want

How do i cover up black hair?

There is a product called color fix you could use. Its used to "strip hair" (wich is not bleach) and after a few times it shouldnt be black anymore. You'll have to be patent, it wont happen in 20 minutes.

When you get done stripping your hair, you have to color it again. Most people think that stripping your hair will bring back your natural color. This isnt true. Once you color your hair your natural color is gone. Say it with me...GONE! It will grow back your natural color, but otherwise it is gone forever.

Another option is to bleach it. This will take FOREVER though!! Well over an hour, so again, dont expect it to be done in a snap.

Make sure you use a deep conditioner after or a hot oil treatment to give back some of the protein your hair has lost.

Good luck!

But if you like it, and your only changing becuase no one else does...please dont. Do what makes you happy!!

Which hair color and style would look best on me?

I have long hair and i dont want it short or with bangs because its thin and straight. i like the emo haircut though. But im kind of afraid of dying my hair black because im afraid it wont ever go back to it's natural blonde color. but i have pale skin, so do u think black would look good? oh, and i have a tiny tiny bit of freckles on my face. like only maybe ten all spread out.

Which hair color and style would look best on me?

leave it the color it is and be happy with your self

Which hair color and style would look best on me?


Which hair color and style would look best on me?

Can't tell need a picture ! I need to see a picture to tell you more ! Repost with a picture !

Which hair color and style would look best on me?

Black on pale skin looks really bad, umm......go a light brown, dark brown if u must, umm...........go like shoulder or middle back length, if u do dye it black, it may never go blonde again, my friend had blonde hair, and dyed it for halloween, and then let it go but after bout 5 months, she wanted it blonde and she couldn't get it to natural blonde color, and it looked bad, so she had to leave it either black or dark brown, if anything just try temporary dye, it'll wash off after bout 20 washes that way you will know if it is something you like before you go permanment.

Which hair color and style would look best on me?

If it were me, I would leave it blond. So many people have fake blond hair, so someone who has it naturally is sorta special.

Which hair color and style would look best on me?

Here are some handy tips that will make your hair look healthier and make you get the desired color along with quick and easy solutions to common problems related with coloring your hair. More information at

I have emo hairi guess, and it tends to curl, and the sideburns or whatever flip up, and after a whi

come back down until i shower again.

Like i have the emo flip thing going on, and as i flip my hair, i want it to stay straight, and not curl up, but it does anyways

how can i solve this?

And I mean like the long part of my bangs curl up when i flip my hair, and i want it to stay straight

I have emo hairi guess, and it tends to curl, and the sideburns or whatever flip up, and after a while, wont..

get a better straightener,

or if you don't have one,

get one.

I have emo hairi guess, and it tends to curl, and the sideburns or whatever flip up, and after a while, wont..

Dude, no offence, but get your own style. If your emo or scene, fine. Otherwise, I personally think you're just a poser. Get your own look.

Put gel in your bangs, comb it once and then straighten it. That should probably work.

I have emo hairi guess, and it tends to curl, and the sideburns or whatever flip up, and after a while, wont..

go 4 the iron

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

i have long hair and don't want to have to cut it. most female emo haircuts look too butch or scene.

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

Those emo cuts look like someone cut their hair with a lawn mower. They are disgusting and ugly. Just get your hair heavily layered and feathered. It looks way nicer and you still get that cute spunky look.

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

umm excuse me i am emo and do u have a problem with the way we cut out hair *****??? huh well guess wut hows ur hair cut ???? like a preppy *** whore!?!? well i guess yew should go **** yewr self *****. . . . . Report It

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

Ugh, posers -.-...Emo=Emotional you cannot be " An Emo" or have " Emo Hair" you can have the same hairstyle as "EMOTIONAL PEOPLE" it's just hair =| and besides, you can go on photobucket and type in "emo hair" and find female's with lenghly hair. That's how mine is now =] Report It

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

Hmm..I dont think you were meant to be emo...if you like your long hair.

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

well my hair is shoulder length, and its sort of like a longer version of the 'butch' haircuts you mentions where its really layered in the back with long sides, just when you get it cut tell them you want it layered with the bottom layer being pretty long, and the sides to be layered not as much.

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

have it shagged and dye it black with white tips , it would look so cool.

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

i have long hair and don't want to have to cut it. most female emo haircuts look too butch or scene.

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

Those emo cuts look like someone cut their hair with a lawn mower. They are disgusting and ugly. Just get your hair heavily layered and feathered. It looks way nicer and you still get that cute spunky look.

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

umm excuse me i am emo and do u have a problem with the way we cut out hair *****??? huh well guess wut hows ur hair cut ???? like a preppy *** whore!?!? well i guess yew should go **** yewr self *****. . . . . Report It

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

Ugh, posers -.-...Emo=Emotional you cannot be " An Emo" or have " Emo Hair" you can have the same hairstyle as "EMOTIONAL PEOPLE" it's just hair =| and besides, you can go on photobucket and type in "emo hair" and find female's with lenghly hair. That's how mine is now =] Report It

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

Hmm..I dont think you were meant to be emo...if you like your long hair.

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

well my hair is shoulder length, and its sort of like a longer version of the 'butch' haircuts you mentions where its really layered in the back with long sides, just when you get it cut tell them you want it layered with the bottom layer being pretty long, and the sides to be layered not as much.

Female emo haircuts without losing length??

have it shagged and dye it black with white tips , it would look so cool.

Emo kids dont save the day....?

all the so-called "emo" kids that i have seen, have been following a trend. like wearing their hair brushed over their face, tight jeans and vans. its like 7 out of 10 kids wear the same look. i just dont see the connection with a "sad emo", when their not sad, just trendy. am i wrong?

Emo kids dont save the day....?

No,I don`t think you are being wrong about that,you are just telling the truth.

Emo kids dont save the day....?

theyre just wannabe goths

one big difference between goths and emo, is that goth is hardcore, and emo is a whiny p*ssy.....

Emo kids dont save the day....?

That's because they're scene kids and not true emos.

Emo kids dont save the day....?

sorry to break it to you but emo is a type of music and music doesnt wear clothes.

the style is called scene.

Emo kids dont save the day....?

i was talking to this one "emo kid" at school about some bands and he actually said he has no idea~

and another poser who can't decide whether to be goth or emo, one time my friend screamed at him, saying that he looked like a wa.nker and he looks like he's gonna cry


Emo kids dont save the day....?

Wow, there are so many cliques now.







Candy kid;






Goth punk;


Whats funny is that an 'emo kid' Can fit a bit into every one of these groups.

Ahah this is not even close to all of them.

Can't fit anyone into just one group.

Labels are pathetic.


Emo kids dont save the day....?

They are wannabes and pose as goths. I don't know if you've noticed, but all emos are 12 and 13 year olds. True goths hate emos because supposely, emos cut themselves and think about committing suicide all the time. And so when people see emos on the streets, they believe they're goths. That's one of the many reasons why people are afraid of goths. Punk rockers, punks, and goths all hate emos. Go to youtube and type "anti-emo movement" in the search bar and you'll see what I mean. As a goth, I hate emos as well. They make us look bad and they copy our hairstyles and style. They think they're goths just because they wear black. You can easily see the diffrence between an emo and a goth. Emos are skinny, fragile looking, the hair over their face, and the piercings in their lips. Goths on the other hand look elegant and don't copy anybody. Those damb emos copy our style, but they make us look like evil demons. Goths even made August 6, the official "Emo Beat Up Day." I have beaten up more than 9 emos. You can learn all about this in youtube. I have even video taped emos in fights with goths and punks. You can see them in youtube as well.

Emo kids dont save the day....?

those are scene people if they aren't sad.

id call myself a a metal-loving-communist-emo -terroristical-dark-comando- punk-rock-loving-person.

he he, i wonder if goths would call me emo and want to beat me up on emo beatup day, well ill actually fight rather than just stand there and get punched and enjoy it.

can anyone help me find a very short name for my new label?


Emo kids dont save the day....?

emo is not a noun.

it's an adjective.

not everyone with their hair in their face, tight jeans and vans are emo.

i think your stereotyping. ;/

Emo kids dont save the day....?


I'm looking for a hair cut that has choppy layers.?

I don't want an "Emo" cut though. preferably a shoulder length one. I have hair that is brown and really thick. It is naturally wavy but I like too straighten it. I want the "piecey" or "choppy" look. pictures would help


I'm looking for a hair cut that has choppy layers.?

this one isn't "emo"

Best hair style for me?

please include photos.

my husband is in emo style and i'm envy, i also want a new hair style/new look.

i want a hair style w/ bangs.

this is me:

please don't laugh at me. serious answers please.


Best hair style for me?

Can't see your pic, there's an error message.

But if you want emoish hairstyle ideas this site always inspires me.

Best hair style for me?

Error 404

The page you have requested is not found or available:

Best hair style for me?

Best hair style for me?

Put some side bangs or straight bangs above your eyes.


long hair on the front and short layered hair at the back


layered hair

or emo hair/scene hair

Best hair style for me?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle/cut ideas %26amp; suggestions, based on face shapes


Do girls like the emo look?

im not emo at all, I do wear tight jeans, and tight shirts like my chemical romance, but im outgoing and have no personality to emo guys, i have black spikey, and emoish kinda of hair, and am tall and skinny would girls find that attractive here is a pic but my hair is dark black now, i dont wear makeup or anything like that. i do wear tight jeans and tight shirts now heres a pic

Do girls like the emo look?

1-you're not emo. Id say scene/indie more than anything.

2-you look like the guys that go to my university.


3-the only girls that like the emo look are 14 (or have a mindset of a 14 year old) so if that's the age you're going for, you're set.

Do girls like the emo look?

your cute.

i don't think your emo.

emo is more attitude than look.

Do girls like the emo look?

HOLY SHIIIT! your gorgeoussss. i like the way you look. dont change

Do girls like the emo look?

girls do not like emo

your not really emo at all

Do girls like the emo look?

you have girlsposog with u in a pic i think that says it all

Do girls like the emo look?

i dont think ur emo. girls who are emo like emo guys, it really all depends on wat their lookin for. tight jeans look good on guys, especailly on skaters= ]閳?br> by the way,, u look really hot

Do girls like the emo look?

your cute. but you dont look emo and emo is more of a personality with the style. personally i like emo boys *blushes* but thats just me.

Do girls like the emo look?

omg! ur born on the same day as me! well not the same year though. and no, u don't look emo so there u go.

Do girls like the emo look?

i took your dead rock star quiz IM JOHN LENNON!

Do girls like the emo look?

Honestly, it all depends on the girl. =]

-Hair Questions- *bleaching & spiking*?

Could anyone please help me with these;

Right now I have brown-black hair. It is cut short, what most people would call an emo-styled cut.

I need help spiking it.

This is how I would like to spike it:

Any ideas of how I'd do that?

Also, I was thinking of growing my hair and dying it like this:

What will happen if I bleach my hair?

%26amp; how would I get that colour?

Any advice would be helpful.

Sorry if the links didnt come out, I'm not to good with them.

-Hair Questions- *bleaching %26amp; spiking*?

for spiking,u need a lot of wax,just put wax and spike it upwards.

bleaching ur hair is sort of like putting bleach on ur hair, it makes ur hair loses it natural colour then take in the new colour which u are going to dye..that colour is u can either get the hair dye at ur supermarket or do it at a saloon and just show them that picture,they should be able to give you that colour.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Well, yes i do wear black eyeliner and have bangs that cover half of my face. i am really emotional and sensitive. i play guitar. i like punk/hardcore rock music but i also like country music. i write my own songs sometimes but i DONT wear skintight clothing. my hair isnt black. but my friend is always saying im emo. she makes me take emo quizzes and i usually get 70-80% emo on it but wut do those things know. am i emo? is that such a bad thing? cuz idk and im kinda scared.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Tell your friends to get a hobby and leave you alone. You are what you are, why bother trying to put a name to it. You sound like a kid who likes rock music and eyeliner to me. Emo is such a dumb term anyway. I know LOTS of emotional people who would never pass as "emo". The quizzes don't mean anything either. There's no reason to be scared about it!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

DONT label yourself or let others label you. Be YOU and dont let some stupid steriotypical label try to limit you. Just be who you are and if people want to label you then that is THEIR problem.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

no, you're not emo! you're your own person who just happens to enjoy some things that shall we say emo kids enjoy. emo is more suicidal and since you didn't mention that you're suicidal then emo is out. don't you hate labels, i sure do!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

You sound pretty much emo, if not on the way there. In my opinion, emo is a bad thing. I don't like girls that are like that. It somehow decreases their attractiveness in my eyes.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

i really hope not. emos are just kids that want attention and feel like they are cool. most of the emos i met think they are better than most people around them. they act like noone and nothing else matters in the world and that they are the only ones that feel sad. in my opinion emos should get counseling. dont people feel stupid walking around knowing that everyone around them thinks they are just being jerks and stupid?

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

what matter is what u think of urself not what others think. That is what makes us different from them. Besides what does black hair have to do with being emo? I was born with black hair.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Your not Emo.. your Elmo! La la la la!!!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Really, emo or not, you are who you are. You seem to be what people call "emo"(even though it is a genre, not a type of person). But who cares what others think, right? Just be who you are, it's not like if life is better for some people than it is for others. Just be who you are, and as long as you feel good being like that, then that's all that matters.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

So what if youre emo? Its only bad when you turn goth and start worshiping the devil and cutting yourself. Or either one by itself. Maybe wishing u'd go down? Having a death wish? Thats bad. But what does it matter if youre emo? I know emo people who are perfectly sweet! And if this person were really your friend, she/ he wouldnt care about whether or not u were emo. Suga, theres no reason to be scared.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

yup you sound emo. just ask yourself if youre emo. if you dont think you are then dont worry about it. you are what you make yourself :)

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

no its not a bad thing, as long as u dont cut urself! seriously....

i hav bangs like that, so it's ok, and liking country music DEFINITELY makes u not totally emo. also, just cuz sensitive doesn't mean anything bad either!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

Don't be scared, your not emo. You are punk/goth. Trust me i know how you feel, my friends call me emo too. They always want to check my wrists. And you shoudnt be scared a lot of emo/punk guys are hot! I took an emo quiz once and got 76%, lol. Then i took a punk quiz and got 87%. So dont worry, thats awesome that you write your own songs. Lots of girls also like sensitive guys, its better than guys who never show their feelings. I bet your really deep. Its not a bad thing. Dont worry your not emo. I hate that people label other people as "emo" Some people think im "punk" and "emo". I just hate that, it gets so annoying. And theres nothing wrong with it, like theres nothing wrong with being popular or in a clique. So dont worry and tell you friend to back off, cuz your not emo. Just punk and with a guy thats usually hot!!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

You're not emo unless you want to be emo. Don't let people label you. Quit following the crowd and figure out what you want to be. Wash off your eyeliner, uncover your eyes, and quit letting your friend tell you what to do. Start thinking for yourself.

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

first labels belong on soup cans, so unless you're a can of soup, you shouldn't care to much. Second be whatever you want! Dress like a cow girl/boy while singing punk music. I listen to alternative/punk/rock music all the time, but I'm not "emo". Playing guitar, writing music, wearing black clothes, and being sensitive does not define you being emo. be what you want, do what you want and don't give a crap!

Am i emo? my friend thinks i am...?

just tell them to stfu you are what you are

What's the best way to get an emo haircut?


I've always been wanting an emo cut, but because of my rounded head, my hair always goes into a bowl shape whenever it grows out. Any suggestions on how to do this?

What's the best way to get an emo haircut?

find a picture of an emo haircut that you like and bring it into your stylist. tell her your problem with the "bowl shape" and she'll be able to work with it! they usually use razors to make it choppy and edgy. and remember don't go to a barber they'll mess it up.. i've seen it happen. and all of the people who say that you'll never get a girlfriend again or that it'll look bad, they're mistaken. emo guys are very very cute=) so good luck and i hope you get what you're looking for!

What's the best way to get an emo haircut?

No, you don't want an emocut. I just made your mind up for you.

What's the best way to get an emo haircut?

please.. dont get an emo haircut.. unless you never want a girlfriend AGAIN

What's the best way to get an emo haircut?

how bout not gettin an emo haircut. damn kids these days.

What's the best way to get an emo haircut?

just buy a weedwacker and run it across you hair if you get the cut you also might wanna go take a poetry class to go you know the whole 9 yards 0_o

What's the best way to get an emo haircut?

Have your stylist just take razor and make it really choppy. The stylist if good with a razor can go through and shape it good. Also some color added with it will help the shape look good.

Hope this helps!

What's the best way to get an emo haircut?

Wow, people are so stupid. The whole "having an emo cut will make you not have a girlfriend again ever" it complete ignorance. I find guys that have "emo-cuts" the hottest ones ever, its original, and being an individual. I'd look around myspace profiles, get a straigtener, and possibly some highlights. As for the cut, you know most "emo" people cut their own hair? If your too afraid to do that though, find some pics of what you want from myspace, or magazines, and take them to a stylest. (: Good luck, and dont listen to haters, there just immature stuck-ups.

What's the best way to get an emo haircut?

well i would give a pic of an emo hair cut and give it to a profeshinal hair cuter person and they will do it! i have an emo hair cut!!! its so awsome!!!

What's the best way to get an emo haircut?

by not wasching your hair, dying it black, and wearing a baseball cap to bed

Hair Help?!? here is my issue. I have thick, curly hair. I have been straightening it to acheive an 'emo punk' fringe on one side of my head. BUT I have started taking Mauy Thai, and I cant have hair that keeps falling in my face when i am trying to fight. the two dont mix :-p. i still want a punk/emo/hardcore hairstyle, but it either has to be super short, some curly type, or a type that is easy to straighten. another issue is that it takes forever to straighten in the morning cause its so thick...and i need someting thats easy and quick to mannage. any suggestions?

Hair Help?!?

I have curly hair too. And I'm also trying to look emo.

Hair Help?!?

It it long enough to tie up? You could do that, or if you want to keep it instead of cutting it you could use hair clips to stop it getting in your face while you beat the crap out of people :D

How do i cover up black hair?

This summer I dyed my naturally brown hair black, and now everyone is calling me emo/goth because of my light complexion, which I'm not. I dyed it two weeks ago, and I have grown to hate it. I really don't want to wait a month or basically the whole summer for it to grow back. If I dye my hair blonde, how will it come out? What about dying it brown?

How do i cover up black hair?

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE..i beg of you ..let it fade...promise..let it fade.

How do i cover up black hair?

First of all, the black dye will fade away, there's this girl in my class who dyes her hair black and after a month, it faded away, because she's a natural blonde. Also, I dont know if it is a good idea, but lightens your hair is peroxide. tthat may lighten your hair, though it does weaken or kill hair. ithe dye will fade or you would have to peroxide it.

How do i cover up black hair?

the only way to get rid of black hair dye is to strip it first (which is the strongest bleach basically) your hair will be really dry after but it will take away the black. or you can grow it out. but no matter what dye you use ontop of the black, it will make no difference

How do i cover up black hair?

you should bleach your hair and then dye it brown will work for sure...i did that yesterday

How do i cover up black hair?

i need a pic of you to see that.I think you should leave it medium brown. That's my hair color. black or blonde is like too extreme.I don't really care about hair color debates,i just compare the colors on people. I don't think you should listen to people or what they say.It's best to stay yourself.

hope this helps


How do i cover up black hair?

i did the same thing last summer on accident. i'm also extremely fair, my friends actually call me the vampire. it's a two step process, whether it's done prefessionally or at home. i had mine done professionally but you can use a stripper or the lightest blonde they make. it's going to burn, once you do that you'll most likely look like a racoon, you then want to pick a color that is a least a brown or dark red, to even out the color.

How do i cover up black hair?

Get a professional to do it and you can dye it any color you want. If you attempt to dye it from a box you are most likely gonna get ORANGE!

How do i cover up black hair?

You should consider what's your skin look likes. Yellow and Red also look nice.

How do i cover up black hair?

Firts go to a salon and at my salon we have a "Modulate" it takes out the last color you did to your hair. Then you have to tone it to your natural, it comes out like a orange red color most of the time no matter what your normal hair is. You may only need to color it again your natural color after 4-6 weeks cause sometimes it fades after the first color.Then leave it alone, or go to a salon to get it done

How do i cover up black hair?

they have a new thing called do over or something like that it takes the color out if you do not like it

How do i cover up black hair?

Go to a professional hairstylist and let him/her strip the color out of your hair. Don't try to do it yourself; you may end really ruining your hair color and texture. A professional will know what can and can't be done to fix your problem.

How do i cover up black hair?

bleach it then dye it to the color you want

How do i cover up black hair?

There is a product called color fix you could use. Its used to "strip hair" (wich is not bleach) and after a few times it shouldnt be black anymore. You'll have to be patent, it wont happen in 20 minutes.

When you get done stripping your hair, you have to color it again. Most people think that stripping your hair will bring back your natural color. This isnt true. Once you color your hair your natural color is gone. Say it with me...GONE! It will grow back your natural color, but otherwise it is gone forever.

Another option is to bleach it. This will take FOREVER though!! Well over an hour, so again, dont expect it to be done in a snap.

Make sure you use a deep conditioner after or a hot oil treatment to give back some of the protein your hair has lost.

Good luck!

But if you like it, and your only changing becuase no one else does...please dont. Do what makes you happy!!

What style hair should i have ??

I want to get my hair cut and dyed but im not sure what i will look good with..also any tips of what color i should do that would look awesome would be great.. i kinda want a punk/emo style.. and i was thinking about dying my hair dark crimson with black tips..

What style hair should i have ??

here are a few pics, a lil different than youdescribed but i think it would be cute for your face %26amp; hair length and a good color for your skin tone....

these are all cute %26amp; will compliment you.

What style hair should i have ??

you should try straightening.

and if your tryingg to look emo. straight hair goes best.

and try doing the posh hair look it might look good.

What style hair should i have ??

good thing you have the pictures cause the avatar doesnt look much like you.

I recomend getting your hair cut like this:

Black with blonde tips

Hope this helped

I have emo hairi guess, and it tends to curl, and the sideburns or whatever flip up, and after a whi

come back down until i shower again.

Like i have the emo flip thing going on, and as i flip my hair, i want it to stay straight, and not curl up, but it does anyways

how can i solve this?

And I mean like the long part of my bangs curl up when i flip my hair, and i want it to stay straight

I have emo hairi guess, and it tends to curl, and the sideburns or whatever flip up, and after a while, wont..

get a better straightener,

or if you don't have one,

get one.

I have emo hairi guess, and it tends to curl, and the sideburns or whatever flip up, and after a while, wont..

Dude, no offence, but get your own style. If your emo or scene, fine. Otherwise, I personally think you're just a poser. Get your own look.

Put gel in your bangs, comb it once and then straighten it. That should probably work.

I have emo hairi guess, and it tends to curl, and the sideburns or whatever flip up, and after a while, wont..

go 4 the iron

How do i approach an Emo guy?

Theres this guy at my school and he's emo. he's very Good looking,he has Awesome hair,and he's very mysterious and his name is Dexter. i've asked people if they know anything about him, and suprisingly they don't. So i want to get to know him. yet i don't want him to think i'm Weird. because where total opposites. So how would i approach him? =]

How do i approach an Emo guy?

You shouldn't think of someone as different, you should approach them like you would anyone else or like a best-friend would approach you. Sometimes the real you is what he could like. People act different but inside we are all the same.

If you and he don't like each other for who you two are then a relationship won't work out.


How do i approach an Emo guy?

charge at him with a sword. a big emo blade. emos like swords and knives.

How do i approach an Emo guy?

don't approach him just be scared cause who knows what he'll do to u

How do i approach an Emo guy?

very carefully...

How do i approach an Emo guy?

f-u-c-k all emoes

i hate them

y would u want to tlk to one anyway?

How do i approach an Emo guy?

Rent a Grim Reaper outfit and sneak up on him.

How do i approach an Emo guy?

say "Hi" and start up a conversation..

How do i approach an Emo guy?

say hey i like your (insert hair, clothes) where'd you get it... or what kind of gel do u use... that'll spark up something, and say I think you have a really original sense of style

How do i approach an Emo guy?

You should probably spy on him and find out and hang out with him after.

How do i approach an Emo guy?

dont you think thats a little steryo-typical?

just go up and talk to him most people who you would say are 'emo' are acually really talkitive

How do i approach an Emo guy?

Hmm...Thats a toughie. Your lucky to have an emo boy at your school. They definently are hott aren't they? Good luck.

How do i approach an Emo guy?

hes just a guy. try to make friends with him by making random conversations. you'll know if hes not interested. dont sound like an airhead.

How do i approach an Emo guy?

hm. be yourself...two totally different personalities always are fun... be like random. its a fun way to get to know be like hi how are you? and like im whatever..and you know..just random :]

How do i approach an Emo guy?

Start on a common subject - like class, work, transportation, etc. Show that you're genuinely interested in what he has to say. Or how about a compliment - you said he has awesome hair, tell him! Or a concert tee shirt - you love that band too, right?

And I know it sounds cliche and corny, but BE YOURSELF. You want him to like you for you, not for who you're pretending to be, yeah?

How do i approach an Emo guy?

if you can catch him when he's not with his other friends, compliment him on his hair. Don't be over the top, but just be coy and look at him and say you like his hair, and leave it at that, or compliment him on he good at art? or something? The best way to get to a guy is give him a compliment on something. just don't be too pushy. Try a little mystery around him yourself... :)

How do i approach an Emo guy?

just try and talk to him what have you got to loss

How do i approach an Emo guy?

With razor blades?

How do i approach an Emo guy?

Watch out! Do you really want Emo? Emo causes me pain. I cry for all the Emo. Am I Emo? I don't know. What do you think? Don't you love it when someone answers a question with questions?? I find it an awesome way to waste time. Yahoo Answers is like such a great time suck! I could waste away hours doing this stuff. So to answer your question, don't you think there is more important things in life than cute Emo guys? I would concentrate on school. You have to apply yourself if you want to get anywhere!

How do i approach an Emo guy?

act stupid around him then say hi from no where to him.or just go up to him say hi then run away.everybody loves a clown

How do i approach an Emo guy?

how do you approach a normal guy?

Do you think im emo??

i know this is a pretty dumb question, but i just want to know what you think. so ill give you a little bit of my personality.

-i have dark brown hair

-its medium length

-its one color

-i think emo guys are hawt


-some bands i really like are

the almost,underoath,taking backsuday,dashboard confessionals,ect...

-i cry alot.

-i sometimes write songs after a bad breakup

-i feel like no one understands me at times

-i shop at hollister

- i wear mini skirts

- i wear band tshirts 2

- i love going to shows

-i have avril l.

-im popular

-won homecoming queen..

-i want to do something with music when i get older..

well thats all i can think of ..but you tell me..

do u think im emo/preppy/scene...??

Do you think im emo??

Be glad for what you are. Take advantage of what you are and rejoice in it.

Do you think im emo??

shop at hollister

i have avril l.

won homecoming queen..

ur not u really want to be labeled as anything but "u"?

Do you think im emo??

Your emo if you believe your emo!

Do you think im emo??

Your a girl, of course your going to be emotional

but not emo

homecoming queen/popularity is a pretty sure sign of not being emo

Do you think im emo??

yeah.its sounds like it. wow, i just relized that i am turing emo dang.

Do you think im emo??

your annoying

Do you think im emo??


most emos CUT

Do you think im emo??

A lot of people who aren't emo are/have/think a lot of those things.

Ex. Hair length/color, music, crying, shopping @ Hollister, wearing mini skirts...etc.

It doesn't mean anything. If you want to be labeled "emo," then go cry in a corner and cut your wrists. (Please don't take that seriously, BTW)

Do you think im emo??

no, ur preppy.....

popularity, homecomin queen, hollister are preppy things

emos cut themself to rock music and cry constaly (sp)

Do you think im emo??

you sound more preppy than emo...homecoming queen,popular,and mini're a prep.if you were emo it would be:

-red and black hair

-it's short

-2 or more colors

-think emo girls are hawt

-hate life

-bands:korn,drowning pool,stuff like that...

-cry all the time

-cut yourself

-shop at hot topic

-hate anything mini

-wear black

-hate shows

-don't have anything

-low reputation

-hate homecoming queens

-die when older

you are a friggin prep

Do you think im emo??

i know this is a pretty dumb question, but i just want to know what you think. so ill give you a little bit of my personality.

-i have dark brown hair

-its medium length

-its one color

-i think emo guys are hawt


-some bands i really like are

the almost,underoath,taking backsuday,dashboard confessionals,ect...

-i cry alot.

-i sometimes write songs after a bad breakup

-i feel like no one understands me at times

-i shop at hollister

- i wear mini skirts

- i wear band tshirts 2

- i love going to shows

-i have avril l.

-im popular

-won homecoming queen..

-i want to do something with music when i get older..

well thats all i can think of ..but you tell me..

do u think im emo/preppy/scene...??

Do you think im emo??

Be glad for what you are. Take advantage of what you are and rejoice in it.

Do you think im emo??

shop at hollister

i have avril l.

won homecoming queen..

ur not u really want to be labeled as anything but "u"?

Do you think im emo??

Your emo if you believe your emo!

Do you think im emo??

Your a girl, of course your going to be emotional

but not emo

homecoming queen/popularity is a pretty sure sign of not being emo

Do you think im emo??

yeah.its sounds like it. wow, i just relized that i am turing emo dang.

Do you think im emo??

your annoying

Do you think im emo??


most emos CUT

Do you think im emo??

A lot of people who aren't emo are/have/think a lot of those things.

Ex. Hair length/color, music, crying, shopping @ Hollister, wearing mini skirts...etc.

It doesn't mean anything. If you want to be labeled "emo," then go cry in a corner and cut your wrists. (Please don't take that seriously, BTW)

Do you think im emo??

no, ur preppy.....

popularity, homecomin queen, hollister are preppy things

emos cut themself to rock music and cry constaly (sp)

Do you think im emo??

you sound more preppy than emo...homecoming queen,popular,and mini're a prep.if you were emo it would be:

-red and black hair

-it's short

-2 or more colors

-think emo girls are hawt

-hate life

-bands:korn,drowning pool,stuff like that...

-cry all the time

-cut yourself

-shop at hot topic

-hate anything mini

-wear black

-hate shows

-don't have anything

-low reputation

-hate homecoming queens

-die when older

you are a friggin prep

Why are Emo boys androgynous?

Okay, this is something that's been ticking me off for a while now.

It's the whole Emo thing.

Now, the girls I can understand. Dark, floppy hair, tight jeans, heavy make-up. I get it, and it works!

But the "boys"? Why the heck do they feel they need to look just like their girlfriends?? Dark, floppy hair, tight jeans and heavy make-up!!

What gives!?

Since when did looking feminine become masculine!? They are emaciated, skinny, pale looking whisps, incapable of showing any ounce of assertiveness towards their equally feminine partners!

Anyone care to explain?

Why are Emo boys androgynous?

why shouldnt they if they like it,does anyone tell u how to dress/act

Why are Emo boys androgynous?

I hate the whole label thing. It's such bullsh**. I'm so damn sick of the word emo.

Why are Emo boys androgynous?

I guess one influential and famous rock star did it one day, and the easily-led teenage population just followed suit.

Why are Emo boys androgynous?

I just think it's depression mixed with a severe case of meterosexualism.

Why are Emo boys androgynous?

They feel pretty and gay so they get the homo camo skin on...

Why are Emo boys androgynous?

I think man has since time immemorial tried to look handsome by beautifying himself,but the rate at which these boys are doing it is quite annoying.I seem also not to understand how a man would emulate what girls are doing.There are some who are putting rings in odd places and you wonder for what purpose they do it.This is quite vague.They can not explain it.They just want to look funny and odd among their peers.Next generation will be very funny and odd.

Is he emo?

could u tell if sumone is emo from their hairstyle? i know this person that has hair covering lyke almost his whole face, is he emo? i'm kinda embarressed to ask him, i don't kno why. i feel lyke it wud be rude or sumtin.

Is he emo?

I have noticed that if you just talk to them most emo's will tell you their lifestyle choice...

and if your that curious about it just make it a simple question like "What do you think of the emo lifestyle?"

Is he emo?

no...that's kinda judgmental...just saying...

Is he emo?

emo ppl have their bang like across their face and mostly the color is black, that or hes a skater....

Is he emo?

1) Why do you have to know if he's emo or not?

2) Don't judge people their appearances.

3) it would be rude to ask if he's emo or not

4) You can't tell if someone is emo or not from their hair. all of the boys in my school have emo hair and over half of them aren't emo.

Is he emo?

emo people are gaymo people, who cares about his hair, you might make him cry if you ask him about his hair and embarass him, so i say go for it, even if it is a ridiculous question.

Does anyone know how to put the hump in the hair, except in the back?

In the 20's girls would wear a headband, and behind the headband would be a huge hump.

And there are a lot of emo/punk rock styles where girls have their hair layered, but it's volumunous in the back.

i don't know how to do either, can someone help me?!?

Does anyone know how to put the hump in the hair, except in the back?

k get your hair cut in lots of layers, backcomb it using hairspray (backcombing is when you pull up a piece of hair and brush it in the wrong direction,towards you head, then once you look like a fool with it all straight up, brush it back down so its only a little poofy, then spray a little more, then use a fine pick comb to tease a few pices up a round brish is best for backcombing

Does anyone know how to put the hump in the hair, except in the back?

I know what you mean. To get the "hump" you have to back brush your hair. Under the top layer back brush it and use alot of hairspray.

Does anyone know how to put the hump in the hair, except in the back?

ok i wear my hair like that and here's what i do:

1. put the headband on

2. hold the section up that you want to be big or "poofed"

3. spray it with hairspray

4. tease that section of hair a lil bigger than what you want

5. put the hair down then brush that section of hair back to smooth it down

Do girls like the emo look?

im not emo at all, I do wear tight jeans, and tight shirts like my chemical romance, but im outgoing and have no personality to emo guys, i have black spikey, and emoish kinda of hair, and am tall and skinny would girls find that attractive here is a pic but my hair is dark black now, i dont wear makeup or anything like that. i do wear tight jeans and tight shirts now heres a pic

Do girls like the emo look?

1-you're not emo. Id say scene/indie more than anything.

2-you look like the guys that go to my university.


3-the only girls that like the emo look are 14 (or have a mindset of a 14 year old) so if that's the age you're going for, you're set.

Do girls like the emo look?

your cute.

i don't think your emo.

emo is more attitude than look.

Do girls like the emo look?

HOLY SHIIIT! your gorgeoussss. i like the way you look. dont change

Do girls like the emo look?

girls do not like emo

your not really emo at all

Do girls like the emo look?

you have girlsposog with u in a pic i think that says it all

Do girls like the emo look?

i dont think ur emo. girls who are emo like emo guys, it really all depends on wat their lookin for. tight jeans look good on guys, especailly on skaters= ]閳?br> by the way,, u look really hot

Do girls like the emo look?

your cute. but you dont look emo and emo is more of a personality with the style. personally i like emo boys *blushes* but thats just me.

Do girls like the emo look?

omg! ur born on the same day as me! well not the same year though. and no, u don't look emo so there u go.

Do girls like the emo look?

i took your dead rock star quiz IM JOHN LENNON!

Do girls like the emo look?

Honestly, it all depends on the girl. =]

Hair color to match my skintone?

ive been a brunette for...EVER! im looking for a change, but the last time i dyed my hair close to black people said i looked emo, not what i was going for at all! i have tan skin, and hazelish eyes...whats the lightest blonde i could go and if not blonde...whats another color you would suggest?

Hair color to match my skintone?

sorry, if this is no match, but a reddish highlight would prbably look good

Hair color to match my skintone?

i wouldnt screw urself up anymore...dont try :-L

Hair color to match my skintone?

A dark red would look nice, but if you want to go blonde go for a darker shade so it won't look like a drastic change. Dark hair brunnetes with tan skin and hazel eyes are usually very pretty. Just make sure you really want to dye your hair before you actually do it.

Good luck.

Hair color to match my skintone?

get a brown-red color. im not sure blonde is the right color. try to keep it as close to your natural color as possible ro it WILL look emo or just plain bad.

For the guys...and HAIR ADVICE!?

what type of girls do most guys like?

do guys like emo girls?

or preppy girls?

oh andi have short hair all one length except for bangs[kinda longer,growing them out]how can i put my hair back in a ponytail and pull my bangs back and STill make it look emo?!?!?

please send pics or tell me.

For the guys...and HAIR ADVICE!?

Emo- EW

Preppy- good

Why my friends call me emo???

I paint my nails black always

I love skinny pants

I love blck

I wear black eyeliner

n I"m mostly depresd

I have my hair just like my avantar (well my hair covers my face a lil more

am I emo???

oh n I also love rock

specially MCR

u can see my pic in n tell me if I"m an emo or not

(thats an old pic of my n I didn't use to be like this like 6 months ago n I have preppy pics of me in myspace too but only 'cause my friends like them)

but I think that I have my own style also

Why my friends call me emo???

Ask them.

Why my friends call me emo???


Why my friends call me emo???

nooo u look cute, everyone wears black eyelinerr(:

black clothingg looks awsome on u i lovee itt and the

style u haave u know how to put it together and not wear

those "punk/emo" like really really baggy clothing with things hanging outt lol.....i dont think u are u look cute(:

Why my friends call me emo???

i don't think you are emo, but you are definitely on the border!

Why my friends call me emo???

um, well you seem emo. i tihnk your friends are right. i mean thats not bad, i have nothing against that.

Why my friends call me emo???

i. feel the same exact way

except my hair is red

just from listenin to you, your not emo.

but i will add u on myspace

Why my friends call me emo???

omg your so prep

Why my friends call me emo???

from that list i would asume u were emo, sry

Why my friends call me emo???

dont label yourself

Why my friends call me emo???

u sound emo

Why my friends call me emo???

Ew, how could you like MCR? They suck!

Why my friends call me emo???

u may have an ''emo'' or punky look but only you can say if your emo or not .

Why my friends call me emo???

You are not emo, because if you were, you wouldn't be on here describing yourself and asking us about it.

Why my friends call me emo???

if i saw you walking down the streets i might be like, oh, shes so emo... but that doesnt make you emo

Why my friends call me emo???

Yeah you definiltey sound emo or punk, just by the way you dress and your personality....

Why my friends call me emo???

No, you aren't emo.

Emo: Emotionally disturbed person who cuts themselves

Goth: umm...teehee....not totally sure, but someone who wears all black and is depressed

Punk: That would be you!

Why my friends call me emo???

Well, hopefully you don't cut yourself. Then you would definitely be considered emo.

Why my friends call me emo???

seems like it

Why my friends call me emo???


gosh i like the good old days,

yah know.

when "emo" was just a genre of music.

look little kid you shouldn't post these types of questions.

they just make you look ignorant.


Why my friends call me emo???

well you sound emo. But show them one day you arent emo. Just an idea. My brother always says...If all the emos took make off and dressed normal for one day then they'd look hot haha. Thats coming from a guy though. Emos are annoying to me because they try to stand out too much

Why my friends call me emo???

Look they just want to label you and they know it bothers you. If you like what you like you shouldn't care what they call you, they are still your friends. As you grow older you will find yourself do not let people tell you how to be you just are.

Why my friends call me emo???

umm because you are

every emo person i know is depressed, maybe you all should wear pink and yellow, wouldn't that make you happy?

Why my friends call me emo???

You look younger then 14

Why my friends call me emo???

Kind of, No offense to you but you sound like a poser sort of.

Emo's are non conformist.

Why my friends call me emo???

You don't look emo to me. You look like you have your own style.

Why my friends call me emo???

try not to label ur self!

Why my friends call me emo???

if it bothers you they call you emo just ask them not to.

or just ignore them and shrug it off.

Why my friends call me emo???

you know what?

im labled as emo too!!

i dress in black most days

i love rock

and i get pretty depressed

but i dont let my friends call me emo

ive been labled as the only emo kid in the seventh grade

but lables are for soup cans

just be you

Why my friends call me emo???

dont worry about it. i like black i have 14mm tunnels in each ear and a few other piercings and i am splitting my tongue, i am sure your not emo just dont worry about it

Why my friends call me emo???

You're stupid is what you are.
