i have long hair and don't want to have to cut it. most female emo haircuts look too butch or scene.
Female emo haircuts without losing length??
Those emo cuts look like someone cut their hair with a lawn mower. They are disgusting and ugly. Just get your hair heavily layered and feathered. It looks way nicer and you still get that cute spunky look.
Female emo haircuts without losing length??
umm excuse me i am emo and do u have a problem with the way we cut out hair *****??? huh well guess wut hows ur hair cut ???? like a preppy *** whore!?!? well i guess yew should go **** yewr self *****. . . . . Report It
Female emo haircuts without losing length??
Ugh, posers -.-...Emo=Emotional you cannot be " An Emo" or have " Emo Hair" you can have the same hairstyle as "EMOTIONAL PEOPLE" it's just hair =| and besides, you can go on photobucket and type in "emo hair" and find female's with lenghly hair. That's how mine is now =] Report It
Female emo haircuts without losing length??
Hmm..I dont think you were meant to be emo...if you like your long hair.
Female emo haircuts without losing length??
well my hair is shoulder length, and its sort of like a longer version of the 'butch' haircuts you mentions where its really layered in the back with long sides, just when you get it cut tell them you want it layered with the bottom layer being pretty long, and the sides to be layered not as much.
Female emo haircuts without losing length??
have it shagged and dye it black with white tips , it would look so cool.
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