im not a gothic personnn at all. but do you think if i dye my hair black people will think im tryin to be emo or anything?
i already have dark brown hair and my eyebrows are basiclly blackk so i dont have to worry bout that. but will people talk?
ill attatch a link of me later......
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
If you want black hair then dye it black. Dont worry about what other people will think. If your happy then tell them to suck it up.
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
What other people think does not matter. It is your hair and if you want it black, dye it black. Personally, I think women with dark features are very attractive.
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
Just be yourself..and follow your heart (Someone's watching over me-Hillary Duff) Ummm LOL but really, don't care of what the ppl say they are just jelaous.
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
You are an individual and make decision for one self if its black you want go for it girl!!
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
Many people have black hair and hair colors do not define labels.
Just be sure you wanna die it black because it takes ages to lighten it after that.
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
i wuld think ur goth...
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
no u arent trying to be emo at all.
i have black hair and im actually reli girly
just remember,
once you dye it black there aint no going back
cos black takes LOADS to get out of your hair...If it ever
does shift...
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
I did the same thing and I love my black hair. My family didn't want me to do it at first, but I did it anyway. Really, though it's your decision.
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
I know that you said that you have dark brown hair already, so do I, and I have always been advised that if i want it darker to go for the darkest brown instead of black. I was told that it looks so close to black that you can't even tell the difference, and in that case if you don't end up liking the darker look on you then it will fade alot faster. But either way good luck!
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
If you already have dark brown what's the point of dying it black? It's basically the same thing.
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
I don't think and who cares if they do I'm a hairdresser and I have black hair the only thing when people color there hair black they sometimes don't realize how hard and expensive it can be to get that black out if they want another color. You must remove it because color over color only goes darker not lighter and seeing how black is the darkest you must strip it out before you color it lighter
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
If you want it black its your desicion. It will probably look good. It doesn't matter what others say because its your hair.
I wouldn't think your trying to be emo at all. Dye it and be happy.
Of course they will talk! Everyone does when someone does something new. But they will get over it In a matter of days,maybe shorter and what they will say will probably be good things. ;)
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
I LOVE coloring my hair Black...I've actually went from auburn brown, to platinum BLONDE, back to brown, and FINALLY black! (Blue Black, to be precise) Never, did anyone think I was going "Goth" or "Emo", and I did all of that coloring all throughout high school (I'm 23 now). Honestly, it's your hair, and you should be able to color whatever color you want...who cares what anyone else thinks, it ain't their hair, lol! What do they care? Anyways, I think all, jet-black hair is so exotic, mysterious, and elegant...Remember how Priscilla Presley looked? Elvis liked her hair's beautiful and she was beautiful! I say go for your eyebrows are black, as are mine, so it'll look natural...I love this look! Just go for it...Have fun and Good Luck!!
Ok so im going to dye my hair BLACK?
i have naturally jet black hair...and i love love it, but i guess with my skin color (wheatish) it looks nice cuzz i get a lot of complements for the hair color. I think if you are really pale u shouldn't color it black, but if a little darker then u shuld go for it. have fun with it :)
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