Thursday, June 17, 2010

Why my friends call me emo???

I paint my nails black always

I love skinny pants

I love blck

I wear black eyeliner

n I"m mostly depresd

I have my hair just like my avantar (well my hair covers my face a lil more

am I emo???

oh n I also love rock

specially MCR

u can see my pic in n tell me if I"m an emo or not

(thats an old pic of my n I didn't use to be like this like 6 months ago n I have preppy pics of me in myspace too but only 'cause my friends like them)

but I think that I have my own style also

Why my friends call me emo???

Ask them.

Why my friends call me emo???


Why my friends call me emo???

nooo u look cute, everyone wears black eyelinerr(:

black clothingg looks awsome on u i lovee itt and the

style u haave u know how to put it together and not wear

those "punk/emo" like really really baggy clothing with things hanging outt lol.....i dont think u are u look cute(:

Why my friends call me emo???

i don't think you are emo, but you are definitely on the border!

Why my friends call me emo???

um, well you seem emo. i tihnk your friends are right. i mean thats not bad, i have nothing against that.

Why my friends call me emo???

i. feel the same exact way

except my hair is red

just from listenin to you, your not emo.

but i will add u on myspace

Why my friends call me emo???

omg your so prep

Why my friends call me emo???

from that list i would asume u were emo, sry

Why my friends call me emo???

dont label yourself

Why my friends call me emo???

u sound emo

Why my friends call me emo???

Ew, how could you like MCR? They suck!

Why my friends call me emo???

u may have an ''emo'' or punky look but only you can say if your emo or not .

Why my friends call me emo???

You are not emo, because if you were, you wouldn't be on here describing yourself and asking us about it.

Why my friends call me emo???

if i saw you walking down the streets i might be like, oh, shes so emo... but that doesnt make you emo

Why my friends call me emo???

Yeah you definiltey sound emo or punk, just by the way you dress and your personality....

Why my friends call me emo???

No, you aren't emo.

Emo: Emotionally disturbed person who cuts themselves

Goth: umm...teehee....not totally sure, but someone who wears all black and is depressed

Punk: That would be you!

Why my friends call me emo???

Well, hopefully you don't cut yourself. Then you would definitely be considered emo.

Why my friends call me emo???

seems like it

Why my friends call me emo???


gosh i like the good old days,

yah know.

when "emo" was just a genre of music.

look little kid you shouldn't post these types of questions.

they just make you look ignorant.


Why my friends call me emo???

well you sound emo. But show them one day you arent emo. Just an idea. My brother always says...If all the emos took make off and dressed normal for one day then they'd look hot haha. Thats coming from a guy though. Emos are annoying to me because they try to stand out too much

Why my friends call me emo???

Look they just want to label you and they know it bothers you. If you like what you like you shouldn't care what they call you, they are still your friends. As you grow older you will find yourself do not let people tell you how to be you just are.

Why my friends call me emo???

umm because you are

every emo person i know is depressed, maybe you all should wear pink and yellow, wouldn't that make you happy?

Why my friends call me emo???

You look younger then 14

Why my friends call me emo???

Kind of, No offense to you but you sound like a poser sort of.

Emo's are non conformist.

Why my friends call me emo???

You don't look emo to me. You look like you have your own style.

Why my friends call me emo???

try not to label ur self!

Why my friends call me emo???

if it bothers you they call you emo just ask them not to.

or just ignore them and shrug it off.

Why my friends call me emo???

you know what?

im labled as emo too!!

i dress in black most days

i love rock

and i get pretty depressed

but i dont let my friends call me emo

ive been labled as the only emo kid in the seventh grade

but lables are for soup cans

just be you

Why my friends call me emo???

dont worry about it. i like black i have 14mm tunnels in each ear and a few other piercings and i am splitting my tongue, i am sure your not emo just dont worry about it

Why my friends call me emo???

You're stupid is what you are.

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