Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Can my 10 year old be "emo"?

first of all i have a very open relationship with my son and we talk about everything. hes 10 going on 30....but this year he has been more withdrawn and seems to want to be alone alot...maybe even a little sad. he has that long hair and always keeps it in his eyes and hes really into the emo/punk/metal music, wears all black and wants to die his hair. other than dyeing his hair (not just yet, hes too young), i have no problem with the music or the clothes, hes expressing himself i know. but he asked me what is emo and why they cut themselves......im just so worried..maybe im being too overprotective but is this normal for a 5th grader? ive talked to him about being sad and he seems fine.....but i know when i was young i hid stuff from my parents. anyone with a son like this? thanks :)

Can my 10 year old be "emo"?

as long as he is not hurting himself or others let him be....keep an eye on him but don't stereo type and think he will immediately overdose on heroin or commit suicide if he is emo....... i have been emo since i was 12 and i never have done drugs or attempted suicide. he's just searching for a group of people he fits in with and emo might be his place or he might grow out of it. just let him be as long as it doesn't become a problem with his health.

Can my 10 year old be "emo"?

Yes, everyone who allows their children to dress in black die their hair black, listen to emo/punk/metal music, and associate with others who do this too. You are not protective at all and no, this is not normal for a 5th grader. Wake up. He will be doing drugs next. Get this child some Christian friends for some positive lifestyles before it is too late.

ADDITIONAL DETAILS: You are the one who asked for help! I have three children who are grown. There was problems with one of them because he was not guided to a healthy lifestyle. I learned my lesson and realized that you can't depend on children to direct their own paths. They don't have the life experiences to be able to do that. My kids are all happy well adjusted adults now after going through some Hell. Your "little boy" is just a baby. He is only 10 and you are not leading him to become a well adjusted, productive adult.

Don't listen if you don't want to but you will see. You will see him go to jail and do drugs if you don't change this path. Been there, done that.

Also, try noticing the difference between the kids that follow Christian principals and those who don't. Just an idea.

Can my 10 year old be "emo"?

he could be emo , punk or goth.

Emo has to do with expressing emotions

punk is anarchy (going against everything)

goth is a deep expression for love of dark arts etc

Can my 10 year old be "emo"?

Please take your son for counseling. I'd be worried about him too! If kids are sad for a long time they may be depressed and that could lead to LOTS of trouble for him. My kids and I had lots of discussions about self-mutilation (cutting) because it seems like many kids are doing it at school. There has even been some talk among the parents about having the school do a presentation about cutting.

It's a serious issue. You sound like a great mom, not overprotective at all. Try talking to people at your son's school and other parents. Talk to his doctor too. Good luck and many blessings on you both!

Can my 10 year old be "emo"?

If you want help for your son you and him will both go into counciling. I believe you have a good relationship with your son but I also believe that he has a problem expressing how he feels in social and emotional environments. He is finding his way out through negative outlets that could lead to suicidal or negative behavior. You will learn alot about yourself in the process. Good luck.

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