Thursday, November 26, 2009


what is emo? i am called goth at my school cuz i havr long black hair an i sumtimes wear black shirts so my Bff said to say im so not goth im emo but i dont no what the heck it is can yall help


here's a direct link =)

yeah and emo's are not bad... and if you don't want to be labeled tell them all to fudge off! you can be anything you want. :-)


lol I'm part emo tooo!!!!!!!!!! hehe you don't HAVE to cut yourself and you CAN!! have a life.... and if anybody tells you, "oh u'r just a poser blah blah blah" tell them your "original and its non of their damn business" :-) that's what i do at least.... by the way thanx for the 10 pts =) Report It


yeah, I know what emo is I go on to see what others think of it, and I hate when people jugde us for cutting, it's not right we cut because we hurt, so don't hurt us we're hurtting ehough, thanks for not judging us! from one emo to a part of one lol, yeah,

~Emo girl (aka evonykey) Report It


it means your depress and u cut urself


people who have emotional problems who listen to punk/pop music that talks about feelings, and wear tight pants


well today in this decade emo means


Genre of softcore punk music that integrates unenthusiastic melodramatic 17 year olds who dont smile, high pitched overwrought lyrics and inaudible guitar rifts with tight wool sweaters, tighter jeans, itchy scarfs (even in the summer), ripped chucks with favorite bands signature, black square rimmed glasses, and ebony greasy unwashed hair that is required to cover at least 3/5 ths of the face at an angle.

but really emo means emotionally charged punk, from the 80s and it has nothing to do with the bands you see on mtv or how they dress, real emo people would get mad or disgusted by todays wanna be emo deffinition of people.


Emo derives from the word emotional. It is a social clique that stems from a version of goth music that is seen as sad and depressing. My Chemical Romance is a popular emo band. Emo is very different from punk as punk is largly political movement than has, for the most part died out as "pop/punk" bands have made their so-called punk music melodic, unlike the circa 1970 bands that are clasified as true punk that did not have very musical backgrounds, and rather used bad music as a symbol of chaos, much like the chaos that they wished to see in government.


you shouldn't let other people define or label you. create yourself.


A good place to get longer answers is

Some of the definitions are negative, but a couple actually give you factual detailed definitions.

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